Receiving by the exposer of corruption information about the state of the pre-trial investigation initiated by his statement or message

: 207-211

Kantsir V., Slotvinska N. "Receiving by the exposer of corruption information about the state of the pre-trial investigation initiated by his statement or message"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education,

The article analyzes some provisions of current legislation and judicial practice in order to clarify the content of the definition contained in Part 3 of Article 60 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine "the state of pre-trial investigation." This goal is conditioned by the norm of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, which stipulates that the applicant who is the whistleblower (except for the possibility: to receive from the body to which he submitted the application, a document confirming its acceptance and registration; confirmation of his statement of things and documents; receive information about the end of the pre-trial investigation) has the right in the manner prescribed by the Law of Ukraine № 1700-VII "On Prevention of Corruption" of October 14, 2014, to receive information about the state of pre-trial investigation message; as well as due to the lack of official interpretation of this provision, scientific intelligence and ambiguity of case law. Analysis of the Regulations on the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations, the procedure for its formation and maintenance, proved that the content of the definition of "state of pre-trial investigation" should not be equated with information outlining the state of continuation or completion of this investigation. position, along with the applicant to obtain information about the pre-trial investigation (Part 3 of Article 60 of the CPC of Ukraine, paragraph 13 of Part 2 of Article 53-3 of the Law of Ukraine № 1700-VII of 14 October 2014), we reasonably conclude that this information is not covered by the data contained in the extract from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations.

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