The problem of detention as a measure of criminal procedural coercion: ensuring the rights of the detainee in the light of article 5 of the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the case law of the European Court of Hu

: 238-245

Huzela M. "The problem of detention as a measure of criminal procedural coercion: ensuring the rights of the detainee in the light of article 5 of the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the problem of state coercive measures in criminal proceedings, as well as the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms of detainees in criminal proceedings, which is a defining criterion that characterizes the state as democratic, social and legal. It is established that criminal procedural coercion means a set of statutory measures of coercive influence of the state in the person of authorized bodies, which are designed to ensure the performance of duties by participants in criminal proceedings and solving problems of criminal justice, the application of which is accompanied by restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms. a person within the framework of pre-trial investigation, court proceedings and procedural actions in connection with the commission of an act provided by the law of Ukraine on criminal liability. One such measure of coercion is detention in criminal proceedings. The essence of criminal procedural detention should be defined as a complex legal phenomenon, and despite the fact that certain elements of the detention protocol may have probative value, criminal procedural detention is in itself a measure of criminal procedural coercion, is not an investigative action and is not aimed at detection, collection , seizure and fixation of evidence, and has its own purpose. That is why criminal procedural detention should be classified according to the following criteria: the need to obtain a decision of the investigating judge, the court; by the subject making the detention; according to the procedural status of the detained person; according to the legal status of the detained person; depending on the territory of detention. It is stated that ensuring the right to liberty and security of person in accordance with Art. 5 of the Labor Code demonstrates the need to understand the new conceptual provisions of the CPC of Ukraine, their theoretical justification and bringing into line with international standards and practice of the ECtHR, the development of the necessary concepts. With this in mind, research should be aimed at forming scientifically sound recommendations for improving law enforcement practice and its regulation, disseminate comparative law research, which will use the positive achievements of foreign countries in the regulation of criminal proceedings, lawmaking and law enforcement.

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