Application of the main features of human dignity in gaining freedoms

: 88-94

Shcherbai I.
"Application of the main features of human dignity in gaining freedoms"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The application of the basic features of human dignity in the acquisition of freedoms plays an important role in our lives. After all, moral norms of law contribute to decision-making in accordance with justice and human dignity. It should be noted that the application of law – is the ability to correctly and appropriately apply the law. However, it should be noted that the application has its own characteristics. Application closely interacts with compliance, use and enforcement, but can also be independent in the application of the law or the issuance of court decisions, where the role of application is clearly manifested. After all, it is at such important points of application that it is appropriate, because the fate of other people may depend on the ability to apply the law correctly and expediently and make the right decisions. That is why in such situations a person must act according to the legal point of view, but not forgetting about his morals and place in this world. Philosophical understanding of the application is manifested in religious norms. Because theoretical significance is related to norms and laws, philosophical significance is based on Scripture, the Bible, and other religious sources. In the philosophical sense, the application is based on moral values that are necessary in our time. A clear example is the role of morality in litigation

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