human dignity

Regularity in the use of Metaphysical Norms of Human Dignity

Abstract. Human dignity is determined by natural law, which is mandatory for practical life. Therefore, the connection of living conditions with natural norms is a regularity. After all, the microcosm in the macrocosm operates thanks to natural and supernatural norms, similar to the movement of spaceships in universal space. Failure to use these higher legal standards of human dignity leads to the death, destruction of a conditional biological spacecraft. This objective existing relationship, legal characteristics, are often underestimated in practical life. 

The driving force of legal conditions of dignity

The legal conditions for the fulfillment of human dignity in relationships are one of the most important issues today. It is during relationships that people have many conflicts, and then we should not forget about their moral values, among which is human dignity. The legal conditions of human dignity are the duties and orders that a person must carry out. First of all, God imposes responsibilities on us, and then the state in the form of laws, regulations. Namely, the legal conditions of human dignity are manifested in the dignified performance of their official duties.

Values of human rights and freedoms in the realization of human dignity

Human freedom has been evolving over the centuries, so it is quite ambiguous and does not stand still, and is still a topical issue for many scientists. There are many different divisions and definitions of freedom, and each is somewhat interesting and relevant. But freedom is the value of man, which is given to him by God and through which man can act of his own free will, without succumbing to circumstances. The value of rights and freedoms is currently a very relevant topic, as most of our rights and freedoms are limited due to certain material and spiritual values.

Application of the main features of human dignity in gaining freedoms

The application of the basic features of human dignity in the acquisition of freedoms plays an important role in our lives. After all, moral norms of law contribute to decision-making in accordance with justice and human dignity. It should be noted that the application of law – is the ability to correctly and appropriately apply the law. However, it should be noted that the application has its own characteristics.

Anthropological origin and motives of human dignity

Anthropological substantiation of human dignity is a topical issue. Man is a creation of God, endowed with positive and negative qualities, but which of them he prefers to decide for himself. The concept of human dignity and its place in human life is clarified. Emphasis is placed on anthropology as a process of creating a person and endowing him with the qualities that God himself has, because man was created in the image of God and must imitate all the positive qualities that are given to him. Emphasis is placed on the qualities that God has given to man.

Peculiarities of protection by the European Court of human rights not to be subjected to torture and other forms of violent cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and punishment

The article analyzes the sphere of application for Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Based on the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the distinction between the concepts of torture and inhuman treatment has been researched. Attention is drawn to the absolute character of Article 3 of the Convention, regardless of circumstances or situations.