Concepts, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses

: 138-144

Marysyuk K. "Concepts, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Abstract. The article is devoted to the concept, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses, as corruption is one of the most persistent negative phenomena in the activities of public authorities and administration. It affects all spheres of public life, contributes to the spread of organized crime, creates social tension, creates uncertainty in the population's ability to take organizational and practical measures to overcome the systemic crisis and revive Ukraine. It poses a significant threat to democracy, the rule of law, social progress, civil society and national security. Therefore, knowledge of the nature, causes, conditions and factors (factors) of corruption and knowledge of corruption offenses in today's realities, will allow first of all to develop and implement measures that should limit its spread and negative impact in all spheres of public life.

It has been established that corruption offenses are a general term that covers all forms of conduct of a person authorized to perform state functions that are corrupt in nature and recognized as illegal (corruption acts), as well as acts committed by one or another person and create conditions for committing acts of corruption or are concealment or indulgence.

It has been proved that corruption offenses are not a special type of offenses that do not "fit" into the classical scheme of offenses.

Corruption offenses are the same criminal, administrative, disciplinary, constitutional, civil offenses, which, like other offenses, are grouped into a separate group due to the specific characteristics of the object, the objective side, the subject and the subject. of the active side of the encroachment.

They, as well as other offenses, have the same features that actually make them offenses - public danger (harm), wrongdoing, guilt and punishment (anticipation for their commission of legal liability).

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