: 119-131
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Academy of Zamosc Institute of Technology and Informatics

Purpose – The purpose of the article is to develop directions and recommendations for implementing chatbot project as an important element of digitalizing work of HR recruiting manager.

Design/methodology/approach –  The method of comparative analysis of theoretical and methodological priorities among trends of digitalizing work of HR manager has been used, as well as the method of abstract and logical generalization of digitalization issues and directions of chatbot project implementation in the enterprise Telegram channel and method of analogies for solving managerial tasks in HR work.

Findings - The research of HR manager work processes has been carried out and the directions of their practical application at the enterprise have been formed. In particular, a chatbot project has been developed, which performs one of the functions of a recruiter and is a component of corporate digitalization of the enterprise. This research and its recommendations can be adapted to various relevant business processes.

Practical implications – Digital technologies optimize a large number of routine tasks. At the enterprise HR recruiting manager’s duties online are: conducting interviews in the chatbot, maintaining personnel records in a cloud environment, adaptation and training of staff to use Moodle, Zoom, Teams, organizing events to improve staff culture and values.

Originality/value –The scientific novelty of the study is: the substantiation of the main priority areas of planning and organizing digitization process of HR managers; the development of a chatbot to optimize the search for personnel of the enterprise; creation of practical recommendations for the digital transformation of HR recruitment business process (optimization of HR recruiting manager’s work).

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