The article analyzes the main evolutionary transformations of experimental and demonstrational villages in Ukraine during the first wave of construction in the 60s and the policy of erasing the differences between cities and villages. Based on field studies, the problems and disadvantages of designing "promising villages" in Ukraine are revealed. Under the influence of communist ideology and slogans "erasing the differences between city and village", the architectural and functional degradation of such villages has practically occurred. The functional planning of the village, by analogy with the concepts of planning urban micro districts that were fashionable in the 1960s, had only partial success, which consisted in creating a central square formed by a school, a house of culture, trade, and public catering and consumer services. But the planned structures of peasant estates, their minimal areas that do not allow household farming, as well as minimized urban-type residential buildings – all led to the crisis of the Ukrainian village. In the course of the study, it was found that the restrictions laid down by the general plan – the planning structure of neighbourhoods, the network of roads and driveways – continue to significantly slow down the needs of the peasant household for the production of agricultural products.
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