Environmental security in Ukraine: administrative-legal support

: 96-103

Lychenko I., Marych Kh. "Environmental security in Ukraine: administrative-legal support."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article is devoted to the problem of administrative and legal provision of environmental safety, an administrative mechanism, the main purpose of which is to regulate public relations to preserve human health and life, prevent harm to the environment, deteriorate public health.

Particular attention is paid to determining the role of current legislation, modern environmental programs in the structure of administrative and legal support of environmental security.

Today there is a need for a fundamentally new attitude of the state to the problems of environmental protection and environmental security, the transformation of administrative and legal support of environmental security in accordance with modern living conditions society. It was stated that ensuring environmental safety and maintaining ecological balance on the territory of Ukraine is not only a strategic goal, but also a duty of the state. And the peculiarity of the administrative and legal mechanism for environmental safety is that the use of administrative and legal means is the prerogative of the authorities.

It was found that administrative and legal support of environmental security in Ukraine is a set of administrative and legal guarantees and functional (activity) means of maintaining the state of protection of environmental and legal opportunities of the population and the state, safe environment, which guarantees the necessary conditions to protect the rights of individuals for a healthy and safe environment.

Particular attention is paid to finding ways to transform modern administrative legislation in terms of strengthening the protection of environmental security of Ukraine. The main directions of Improving the efficiency of administrative and legal support of environmental security in Ukraine are clarified.

Emphasis was placed on the expediency of adopting the Ecological Code, creation of the ecological police as a law enforcement institution in the field of ecology in the system of the National Police of Ukraine, practical importance of strengthening administrative responsibility for misdemeanors in the ecological sphere.

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