Instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of environmental security

: 158-165

Sirant M. "Instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of environmental security"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article is devoted to the study of the instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of environmental security, which is part of the general legal mechanism whose purpose is environmental safety. It is stated that the mechanism of ensuring environmental safety is a complex complex entity that includes a set of organizational, economic and legal means. Appropriate methods and forms are the instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of ensuring environmental safety in Ukraine. Theoretical approaches to the classification of methods and forms in the investigated field are analyzed. Control and supervisory tools (state control and supervision of use, protection and reproduction of natural resources, environmental monitoring, norms, limits, rules, instructions, regulations) of administrative and legal regulation of environmental safety, prevention measures and prevention of administrative offenses in the environmental sphere are considered. Suggestions are made to increase the effectiveness of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of environmental security. Scientific problems of legal support of ecological safety in research activity were given attention by Ukrainian scientists: V.B Averyanov, O.M Bandurka, Y.P. Bytyak, Y. V. Dubko, A.S Evstigneev, T. O. Kolomoets, V.V. Konoplyov, V.V. Kostitsky, S.O. Kuznichenko, O.I. Nikitenko, G.S. Polishchuk and others. At the same time, the adaptation of national legislation to the requirements of the European Union shows that some of the problematic issues of the topic have not been addressed. The purpose of the article is the instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of ensuring environmental safety.

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