The procedure for consideration of certain categories of administrative cases of insignificant complexity by the court

: 193-201
Salo P. The procedure for consideration of certain categories of administrative cases of insignificant complexity by the court.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article examines simplified claim proceedings as one of the forms of administrative justice, which is designed to consider cases of insignificant complexity (insignificant case) and other cases that need to be resolved quickly. Based on the analysis of the norms of procedural law and judicial practice, the characteristic features of the court's consideration of administrative cases of the least complexity are highlighted. It is emphasized that, as a general rule, the relevant cases are considered in a simplified claim proceedings without notifying the participants in the case (in written proceedings), but this does not preclude the possibility of their consideration and resolution in court hearing at the request of one of the participants or on the court's own initiative. Simplified claim proceedings is one of the forms of administrative justice established by law. It is proved that consideration of certain categories of administrative cases of the least complexity under the rules of simplified claim proceedings without a court hearing does not violate the guaranteed rights of the participants in the case, as the possibility of exercising certain procedural rights, including the right to participate in court hearings, provide oral explanations to the court, ask questions to other participants in the case, the CAS of Ukraine is not associated with all forms of administrative justice. That is, these rights are not absolute and may be subject to legitimate restrictions in the case of lawful choice by the court of the procedural order of the case, which in accordance with procedural law allows the case to be resolved without a court hearing (in written proceedings).

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