

Theses length: 1-2 full pages. Materials are accepted only in the working languages of the conference ( Ukrainian, English ).
Main text for theses: font - 14, spacing - 1, indent - 1 cm, font - Times New Roman. Sheet format A4 (210 x 297 mm).
All margins (top, bottom, left, right): 2 cm. Page numbers are not inserted. Chemical formulas are presented in the ChemDraw format, mathematical formulas are presented using the built-in Microsoft Equation editor, and drawings are presented in the .jpg or .tiff. Abbreviation of words and terms in the thesis title is not allowed; abbreviations in the text are deciphered after the first mention. Theses use the CI system of units.

Structure of theses: introduction - a brief description of the problem and its connection with scientific or practical spheres; goal; the main research material with justification of the obtained scientific results; conclusions and prospects for further research in this direction.

List source contains no more than five references is drawn up in accordance to standards bibliographical description (ACS). Link in texts on literature served in square brackets, example: [1].

Theses students are accepted in co-authorship with scientific supervisor or individually. The number of authors is up to four, including no more than two leaders.


Chervnonenko O.Yu., Kovalchuk S.V.
National university "Lviv Polytechnic",
Kovalchuk . sergiy


Text, text, text…

  1. Manning , R. Super Organics. Wired, May 2004, pp 176-181.
  2. Diamond , G.; Murphy , V.; Leclerc , M.; Goh , C.; Hall , K.; LaPointe , AM; Boussie , T.; Lund , C. Coordination catalysts . US 20020002257 A1, January 3, 2002.


Theses are submitted in the format .doc or .docx. The name of the file is the first name of the author in English, no more than two theses (e.g. Kovalchuk_1, Kovalchuk_2) to the conference e-mail box The materials will undergo a mandatory check for the absence of plagiarism

Participation in the conference and publication of conference materials is free!

All participants' messages are made in the form of oral presentations lasting up to 10 minutes. Answers to questions - 3 minutes.

The topics of the presentations will be announced in the second newsletter in the full Conference Program.

Confirmation about receiving and readiness to accept to publication of materials will be notified by e-mail.