The article examines topical issues of the legal nature of self-defense of civil rights: scientific approaches to defining the concept of self-defense, methods as elements of self-defense, as well as its forms. Scientific discussions on this issue are considered, and conclusions are drawn based on the results of research.
It has been found that self-defense is the actions taken by an actual or legal entity in order to prevent or stop the violation of their subjective right or legitimate interest in civil law relations. Such actions should have defined limits of implementation and should not exceed the necessary volume. Subjects have the right to self-defense, which enables them to carry out such actions. At the same time, if taking actions in the framework of self-defense violates the limits, then the subject who committed them can be brought to justice.
The article emphasizes that the right to self-defense plays an important role in ensuring justice and balance in civil legal relations. It helps to ensure the protection of the interests of the person and preserve legal trust in the justice system. However, it is important to remember that self-defense must be used carefully and judiciously, taking into account the rules of law and with the aim of ensuring a harmonious settlement of a dispute or conflict.
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