Solved parameters operating businesses in today’s economy. Shows the contents of the financial and economic factors affecting the change in the nature of operations of a modern enterprise. Outlined the impact of these factors on the change of accounting and analytical processes, expanding their basic objects.
This publication be considering the study of the economic substance of operations and its place in the modern business environment. The basic internal factors and environmental
factors that affect the operations of woodworking enterprises and examines the organizational and technological features in the activity tree operations that affect construction methods and
organization of accounting, analysis and control of income and expenses. Grounded differences in the operating woodworking enterprises of other enterprises industrial sector. In this context, explored issues related to the implementation of accounting
functions in the management of costs, revenues, results of operations woodworking industry enterprises. It is proved that the presence of unique organizational and technological features in the activity tree operations determines the specificity of constructing an adequate methodology and organization of accounting, analysis and control of income and expenses that considers all processes of the company, the mechanism of their effect on the performance of the methods of
data collection, transmission and processing.