Derogation, Abrogation, Nullification: Concepts, Features and Application Examples

: 239-247

Цитування за ДСТУ: Смолин Я., Анциферова М. (2024) Дерогація, аброгація, нуліфікація: поняття, особливості та приклади застосування. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: "Юридичні науки". Том. 11, № 3 (43), С. 239-247. DOI:

Citation APA: Smolyn Y., Antsyferova M. (2024) Derogation, Abrogation, Nullification: Concepts, Features and Application Examples. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 3 (43), С. 239-247. DOI:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article analyzes the legal concepts of derogation, abrogation and nullification, which are tools
for regulating relations in society and international relations. It is determined that the derogation means
the partial cancellation of the law or its individual provisions, for the purpose of temporary deviation
from obligations during emergency situations. Examples of the derogation include the actions of Ukraine
during armed aggression by the Russian Federation and the actions of European countries during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Abrogation (abolition) means the cancellation or change of an outdated law or
agreement. The term has its roots in Roman law, where various forms of abrogation existed. Over time,
repeal has evolved into a legal tool that allows governments to repeal outdated laws or make changes
without having to maintain the application of the previous rule. Contemporary applications of abrogation
include criminal procedure law, where proceedings can be dismissed if charges are not proven, and
international procedures, such as pardons or amnesties, which allow convicts to be released without
overturning the sentence. It has been established that the term "nullification" is used both in the legal
and economic spheres, and means the deprivation of documents of legal force or the recognition of
securities as invalid. The historical practice of nullification is considered, starting from the formation of
the confederation of North American states, attempts to conclude a new union treaty between the
republics of the USSR in 1991, and centrifugal tendencies in the European Union. In modern conditions,
as the example of Ukraine with Russia shows, the nullification of treaties can serve to protect national
interests in response to external challenges.
In conclusion, the author concludes that these legal mechanisms are important for ensuring legal
stability and adaptability, allowing to respond to emergency situations and social challenges without
violating the basic rights and freedoms of citizens.

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