In the article the specification of the image of the Holodomor in the historical memory of the Ukrainian people is concerned. The conclusion is drawn, that this image has mostly victim character. It happened because a lot of people were exterminated during a very shot period and nobody was accused for that crime. The modern discourse of Ukrainian scientists stimulates that feeling because of its concentration on the suffering of victims and negative consequences of the Holodomor for the further history of the Ukrainian people.
Thatconsciousness of self as a victimby a big part of Ukrainians during the period of Holodomorand dozens of years after it under the dictatorial communist regime is very dangerous for the mentality of their moderndescendants, because that feeling can bear the negative feelings of passivity and fatality. But it’s not aloud, that the information about the Holodomor could create inside of our contemporaries the feeling of danger, make them afraid of the state power. Now a lot of Ukrainians have these feelings also every fifth Ukrainian is afraid of repeating of the famine.The Ukrainians need the positive feelings of optimism, faith on their own forces, their capability to create a good future for their children. They need a discourse that could create a feeling of dignity. The author tries to find some positive facts in the Holodomor history, that can motivate the modern Ukrainians for building of the welfare society. Those are the facts of heroism of the Ukrainians fighting the communist system during 1929–1933 years, especially the murders of communist activists, the facts of altruism and successful building of high-developed state.
It is necessary to form the strong thinking about legitimacy of the state power that kill its people, make them die because of famine. Such a power could be changed without any doubt. Everybody has a right to fight such a regime and to change it.
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