Meta-anthropologicalcoherence “transcendentalexchange in legal communication”

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 845(10): 428–433


Antonina Tokarska

The issues of meta-anthropological coherence of “transcendental exchange” in the legal communication are considered. The results of activity, their motive power capable to be equally powerful means of both constructive and correlating steps are noted. Transcendental exchange is being built up due to disclosing of genuine interest in the fate of an individual, restraining emotions in conflicting communication. It is stated that meta-anthropological models of communicative interaction are extended
over various fields of activities: policy, economics, moral and law, etc. Their prime functioning role to ensure effective interaction of subjects of law, their successful pursuit to establish efficient contacts non-violating fundamental human rights and freedoms. Metaanthropological planning of views exchange in legal communication is based on complex sociopsycho- linguo-mental speech actualizing universalism of different models of social practice in communication. Concept of law as communication on a level of every branch legal metadiscourse is corroborated.

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