Meta-anthropological cognization "transcedental exchange" in legal communication

Tokarska А. "Meta-anthropological cognization "transcedental exchange" in legal communication".

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Abstract. The problems of meta-anthropological consistency of "transcendental exchange" in legal communication are considered. Emphasis is placed on the results of activities, their driving force, which can be an equally powerful means of both constructive and correlative action. A summary of the meta-anthropological approach to methods of overcoming aggression, impatience, conflict expression is highlighted. Transcendental exchange is based on showing sincere interest in the fate of a person, restraining emotions in conflict communication.

It was established that the goal of the anthropological model of communicative interaction is equally extended to various spheres of activity: politics, economics, morality and law, etc. Its main functional role was noted: to ensure the effective interaction of legal subjects, their effective efforts to establish effective contacts that do not violate human rights and basic freedoms. The meta-anthropological interpretation of the exchange of opinions in legal communication is based on a complex socio-psycho-linguistic process. What actualizes the universalism of various models of social practices in communication. The concept of law as communication at the level of the sectoral legal goal of discourse is confirmed.

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