legal communication

Meta-anthropological cognization "transcedental exchange" in legal communication

Abstract. The problems of meta-anthropological consistency of "transcendental exchange" in legal communication are considered. Emphasis is placed on the results of activities, their driving force, which can be an equally powerful means of both constructive and correlative action. A summary of the meta-anthropological approach to methods of overcoming aggression, impatience, conflict expression is highlighted. Transcendental exchange is based on showing sincere interest in the fate of a person, restraining emotions in conflict communication.

The phenomenon of legal logical communication

The article focuses on one of the elements of legal communication normative culture of
constructing narrative at the level of logic. The genesis of the maturation of theory and philosophy of
logic is taken into account. The basic typical connections of the logic of the legal text with the norms in
the statements of oral written legal discourses ah with the lexical morphological as well as syntactic and
stylistic levels of the legal text are analyzed.

Truth in meta-anthropological legal communicative content

The article actualizes the eternal needs for aspiration to pursue the truth by means of legal communication. Whether it is possible to implement this aim on the basis of principles of its formation is not a merely rhetorical question. It is the meta-anthropological approach that shows the way to solve this dilemma.

Meta-anthropologicalcoherence “transcendentalexchange in legal communication”

The issues of meta-anthropological coherence of “transcendental exchange” in the legal communication are considered. The results of activity, their motive power capable to be equally powerful means of both constructive and correlating steps are noted. Transcendental exchange is being built up due to disclosing of genuine interest in the fate of an individual, restraining emotions in conflicting communication. It is stated that meta-anthropological models of communicative interaction are extended

Proof (evidence) and refutation as types of argumentation

Specialists in industry of communicative linguistics, logic, eristic consider that proof (evidence) as a logical and methodological form of scientific cognition in the broadest sense is the process of establishing objective truth through practical and theoretical actions and tools. In a narrow interpretation, bringing called reasoning that establishes the truth of certain allegations by pointing to other allegations, the truth of which is already proven.

Role culture of communication in professional activities of lawyers

One of consequences of influence on the modern world of processes of globalization and informatization, rapid development of information and of communication technologies there is forming of modern informative society, in that knowledge and information become the key resources of state and public development. During all history of humanity information was examined as a military, political, economic, sociological factor, that predetermined advancement of the state, society, and also progress of every his cock largely, is important.

The right of a human and a citizen for protection against informational-psychological aggressive war

Problems of destructive processes of informational-psychological aggression against civilians, aimed at deregulation of moral values, are considered in the article. The need to solve the fundamental problems that hinder the effective restoration of order in the observance of human rights by the means of informational and communication sector and, in particular, legal communication as one of the varieties of industrial informational-communication systems is described.

Communication in the right: the problem intercultural communication

We consider communication as a philosophical category in the light of its entry into the legal status of the communication between the Western tradition of law and national law. 
It is noted that legal communication – a natural process, a social phenomenon, caused by the intensification of economic and political development of society and certain anthropological qualities rights. 120 Corporate communication is seen as dialohovist between proper and perfect in the formulation and application of the law in modern bipolar world.