Colour (fill) is the main technical designation mean for any map of geological content. In a case several most important elements of a region's structure should be reflected on the map, only one of them would be vividly presented - the one conveyed by colour, If colour is "assigned" to structural-formational zones, the map practically becomes a tectonic one, and geodynamic information has to be reflected only in the legend. Colour designation of geodynamic environments (e.g., using Bush et al. (1988) method) with structural-formational complexes shown by dotted colour fill would lead to creation of a real geodynamic map. Even principal tectonic elements would be "obscured" on such a map. Thus, it is reasonable to create geodynamic maps for the areas that have experienced different geodynamic environments, while tectonic maps are more appropriate for the regions of less contrasting geodynamic history, but of more diverse manifestations (morphology, kinematics, time) of tectonic movements and dislocations.
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- Geodinamika Karpat. Kol. avtorov. Pod red. V.V. GLUSHKO i S.S. Kruglova. K: Naukova dumka. 1985, 136 s.
- Tektonicheskaya karta neftegazonosnyih oblastey yugo-zapada SSSR (s ispolzovaniem materialov kosmicheskih syemok) masshtaba 1:500 OOO Kol. avtorov. Pod red. N.A. Kryilova. 1987, GKP TSTE MG USSR, 16 k.l.
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