Instructions for authors

Submission guidelines to the manuscript

Articles for publication in the scientific journal "Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" "Information Systems and Networks"  should be prior submitted by the authors to the editorial secretary of the journal as an E-mail attachment in English or Ukrainian to:

Paper length: Articles should be between 5–20 pages. Each article manuscript should be accompanied by 2 reviews (external and internal) and a letter of solicitation from the (co)-authors place of affiliation. 

The structure of the article must meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and consist of the following parts:

  1. Problem statement.
  2. Analysis of recent researches and publications.
  3. Formulation of article objectives.
  4. Presentation of the main material.
  5. Conclusions.
  6. Number references in Ukrainian and English in accordance with APA Style format (examples). You can use the list generator. The Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) assigned to the cited scientific publications must also be provided.

The UDC index (Universal Decimal Classification) should be printed as a separate line in the upper right corner.

The abstract in both Ukrainian and English should be presented before the text of the article. The length of the abstract should be not less than 1800 characters. The abstract should be necessarily followed by the keywords in each language.

Submission format for electronic versions of manuscripts of the articles

Acceptable file format for the texts of the articles is Microsoft Word processor in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. Publication format А4 (210x297 mm).
    • margins: left – 1,8 cm, right – 2,5 cm, upper – 2 cm, bottom – 2,7 cm; header – 1,25 cm, footer – 1,6 cm.
    • Page numbers in lower center.
  2. Main text: set Times New Roman, 11 pt type. Indent 1 cm from the first line. Maintain 1,1 spacing throughout.
  3. Heading. Please indicate UDC in the first right line; the following lines should separately include:
    • authors, indicated via coma or space, paragraph to the right. Authors’ initials should be separated with one space;
    • name and address of the place of affiliation, paragraph to the right;
    • title of the article – Times, 14, capital letters, semi-bold, in the middle of the page;
    • sign "©", name and surname of the author and co-authors (in italics), paragraph to the left;
    • abstracts in English and Ukrainian (up to 60 words) (semi-bold, indent 1 cm from the left, indent 1 cm from the first line);
    • key words (up to 8 words) (semi-bold, indent 1 cm from the left, indent 1 cm from the first line);
    • subheading in the articles – Times New Roman, 11, small letters, semi-bold, in the middle of the page.
  4. Figures, images and graphics in the article should be inserted in a page-off, depending on the size. Description to Figures and graphics should use Text  Times New Roman, 10, light-bold, italic. All figures, images and graphics should be executed in the form of an individual objects sized with the correspondence to the parameters of the page. The figures, images and graphics should be described and numbered (if more than one) below, in the center of the text (abbreviation: Fig. Number).

The * .tif, * .psd, * jpg figure formats (300 dpi resolution) should be imported into the Word file using the Insert / Draw menu. Black and white illustrations - Grayscale, colored - CMYK Color. Files with figures, images and graphics should be provided separately. Black and white drawings created in Excel, Visio Drawing, WordPad, CorelDRAW programs should be imported into the Word file using the menu: Insert / Object to enable their further transformation; colorful images should be converted to * .tif, * .psd, * jpg format (300 dpi, CMYK Color) (files should be added separately).

Figures and drawings created with Word should be grouped and available for corrections.

The possibility of printing colored illustrations must be prior agreed upon with the editorial board of the Herald.

  1. Tables should be presented as separate objects in MS Excel format or in MS Word within the sizes of the page. The table number should be indicated by the numbering header (for example, Table 1) - 11 type, on the right side of the table, in bold, italics. The main text of the table (in graphs) is given in type 10. The titles and description of the tables should be placed in the center of the page in type 11, the drawing should be in bold, straight line.
  2. Formulas should be given in Equation 3-5 format, aligned in the middle of the text and numbered in round brackets on the right margin. Font by the definition of MS Word: normal - 11 pt, large index - 9 pt, small index – 7 pt, large character - 18 pt, small character - 11 pt.

The elements of formulae should be marked in accordance with their functional application (sin x: sin - function, x - variable). Marks of mathematical, physical and other variables in the text and formulas should be written in italics, except for sin, cos, tg, ctg, etc.; numbers (criteria) Re, Nu, Gr, Ar, Pr, Eu, etc .; rot, div, grad, const, etc .; signs with the letters of the Greek alphabet or numbers.

Indices in these values ​​should be written in plain letters of the Ukrainian and Greek alphabets and numbers. Letters of the Latin alphabet should be written in italics. If the index consists of one reduction, then the point/full stop after it is omitted. If it consists of several reductions, then the point/full stop is placed only within intermediate reductions, except for the last one. Both letters and numbers are written in direct font in the dimensions of the quantities. The designation of the vector can be made in two ways: either the letter in italics with an arrow over it, or the bold not italic letter, for example w.

  1. References: set Times New Roman, type 11, italics.  

For organizational questions

contact the Technical Secretary, Ph.D., Nataliia Veretennikova


Phone number: +38 (097) 866 30 25

Phone of the Information Systems and Networks Department: (032) 258-26-38

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