
  1. Scientific works that have not been published before are accepted for publication.
  2. The volume of theses of reports should bealoneortwo are fullpages of printed text in A4 format.
  3. Banks: left, right, top and bottom -20 mm.
  4. Font: Times New Roman, pin (size) -12 pt, line spacing – 1, paragraph indent – 10 mm.
  5. Order of placement of material:
    • in the first line on the right, the UDC is indicated (font size - 10 pt);
    • in the following line: the name of the scientific work (font size - 12, in the center, Bold;
    • then through the line: "©" sign, author and co-authors, year (font size 10, on the right edge, Italic);
    • name of the organization where the author works (city, country), position, scientific degree, academic title, e-mail (font size 10, centered, normal).
  6. The use of illustrative materials in theses should be minimal. Drawings must be grouped as a single object.
  7. The list of references (must be mandatory) is provided at the end of the publication in italics (the word "Literature" is not placed). References to used sources are mandatory in the text of the article.
  8. Works that do not meet the requirements or are not submitted by the deadline will not be considered.

Template abstracts of reports can be downloaded from the conference website.