There are quite a lot of bells in Ukraine. They appeared in different periods of the history of sacred construction. The presence of towers-bells with "subterranean", churches with belfries over the maidens, empores and specially built bells for bells, points to the fact that in the Ukrainian ethnic territory ancient architectural solutions to the bell structures that were formed under the influence of Western European and local schools were preserved wooden construction. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries bells are looking for their place in church building. The construction of the tower-bells falls on the period preceding the time of the emergence of the formed type of one-or three-door churches, therefore, these buildings are not architecturally interconnected. The design of the tower-bells allowed replacing the damaged parts without disturbing the appearance, thus contributing to the preservation of their authentic solutions, and therefore they were much more slowly subjected to impacts, although they eventually lost their defensive and watchdog functions. This was also the reason that the tradition
of their construction was preserved until the XIX century.
Specially erected buildings for bells appeared in the 17th - at the beginning of the 18th century, they gradually displaced the bell tower, embankment and subsequently become commonplace in Ukrainian sacral construction. Their appearance is primarily due to the national upsurge in the 17th century, which determined to have its own image of the sacral building, was also connected with the desire to have sacral buildings in which the principles of the construction of the churches of the princely age would be preserved and that they were not similar to Latin or other foreign models. This contributed to the emergence under the influence of the Renaissance and the baroque of special structures for bells, which are based on the church principles of planning and spatial solutions of the gyneconitis, nave.
The variety of bells, their architectural decision also depended on the entry of the Ukrainian ethnic territory into the state formations - the Russian, Austrian, Austro-Hungarian empires.
The forces, present at different times in the territory of Ukraine, caused the appearance in the XVI-XVIII centuries. on Lemkivshchyna, Boykivshchyna new types of churches and distortions in the XIX - in the beginning. XX century the architecture of the wooden churches of the Dnieper, the Left Bank, Slobozhanshchyna, the south of Ukraine.
The defensive functions of the church, the stylistic, economic, and not evolutionary factors determined the choice of a certain building for bells at the church; therefore, in different periods of sacred construction, simple and complex structures for bells appeared: towers-bells, bell-towers, bells for two Four pillars and so on.
The unfavorable economic factors influenced the fact that the new bell tower repeated the existing models on a reduced scale, favorable - for the construction of representative types of bells.
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