: 70-89
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Architectural Design and Architecture Fundamentals

In the article has systematized factual and analytical materials about experimental researches of the environment area perception in the theory of environmental psychology, in particular, revealed: the concept of experiment and space; the peculiarities of its perception, which depend on the monocular and binocular vision; methods of experimental research of the perception of architectural space (tachystomoscopy, chrometric, measuring, genetic, microgenetic and experimental genetic, clinical, modeling); types of experimental theoretical investigations within different approaches (structuralism, Gestalt theory of Perception, constructivist, ecological, informational and neurophysiological approaches, cognitive neuroscience, ecological psychology of Roger Barker). The highlighted theoretical principles and practical recommendations are valuable for further experimental research of environment space, including those that will contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment for people with autism spectrum disorders.

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