Software Implementation of the Construction of Curves Short-term Strength of Wood With Biaxial Stress State

: pp. 21 - 26
Ukrainian National Forestry University
Ukrainian National Forestry University
Ukrainian National Forestry University

This paper is devoted to implementing the algorithm for constructing short-term strength curves of wood with biaxial stress states in the radial-tangential plane of structural symmetry. To implement this algorithm was developed software based on the Qt cross-platform toolkit, which allows to build and analyze short-term strength curves in the cross section of wood. The created program has a possibility to choose one of three failure criteria, a kind of wood, temperature and humidity distribution of lumber. The C++ program code is designed so that you can easily add another type of wood as well as a failure criterion. To display the curves, you can select table or graph mode. Graphs can be fixed on a graphics widget, and new ones can be added to compare to previous ones.

Based on the analysis of the constructed curves, the ultimate stress state of the material in partial cases is established. In conclusion about expedient using some criteria to describe the strength characteristics of wood with strong and weak asymmetry of strength limits.

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