The article deals with the issues of modernization of the educational and recreational camp “Polytechnic – 3” Lviv Polytechnic National University in Kobleve Mykolaiv region. The goals are to increase profitability, general amenities, attraction and provide competitive ability in comparison with other similar neighboring works. The main problems that have accumulated over the exploitation period of the work are analyzed and systematized according to their degree of relevance. Moreover the variants and ways of their solution are offered.
It is suggested: the set of measures for developing the camp infrastructure in order to increase extremely the duration of the holiday season (up to 5 – 6 months) and expand the list of the categories of the potential campers; the introduction of the objects for varying the relaxation and the compensation of possible periods of bad weather; re-equipment of dormitories in accordance with the modern standards; expanding of typology of the dormitories and houses by the introduction of exclusive dwelling units; the adaptation of the camp objects to the requirement of business tourism; improvement of outdated engineering and technical infrastructure.
The reconditioning of the camp is offered in order to increase its general attraction, while at the same time, the implementation of the objects are realized in the order of their relevance and in accordance with the owner’s investment opportunities.
The suggested concepts of modernization the educational and recreational camp “Polytechnic 3” that is introduced in the article, are recommended to use as a basis for establishing an integrated development program of the camp, the requirement for development of which is evident as well as the development of a new general plan of the camp.
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