The article highlights the place of competitive design based on the tasks of real customers in the educational process of students of the Lviv architectural school – at the Department of Architectural Environment Design.
An important component of education at the department was competitive futuristic design in the form of international and national student design seminars and competitions. The purpose of this vector is to prepare our students for the strict conditions of the need to comply with regulatory requirements in real design and at the same time teach them to experiment freely and creatively. The more complex the project task, methodology, and requirements for its implementation, and the more restrictions there are in the project, the better and more efficient the imagination should work. Participation of students in educational competitive design based on the tasks of real customers helps to educate and study them not by artisans with limited creative imagination, but by master artists and at the same time highly educated professional engineers.
In the competitive projects made under real orders, special ones were those that were developed in 2021, because they were carried out taking into account the problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Among them, projects for the best draft proposal of a new architectural solution and expansion of the functions of the Panorama shopping centre in Odesa stand out. These projects are valuable because they were solved not only in one aspect – by offering only typological, spatial, functional or architectural and aesthetic ideas, but by taking them syncretically all together.
Teachers of the Department of Architectural Environment Design are convinced that this practice can significantly enrich the educational process because it teaches students to work in teams, use all the special knowledge acquired during their studies in the field of architecture, create without feeling barriers between educational, search, experimental, competitive and real design.
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