: 105-111
Assistant at the Department of Architectural Design and Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University

The architectural design of animal spaces is an increasingly important area of research and practice that aims to create comfortable and safe living conditions for animals in a variety of contexts, including animal shelters, farm animal enclosures, and zoo enclosures. However, designing animal-friendly spaces requires a thorough understanding of animal behavior, physiology and welfare, and the incorporation of appropriate design elements and materials. This article aims to provide an overview of the research that will be conducted to understand the principles of animal-centered design and its impact on animal welfare.

The research will include a literature review of relevant articles, books and reports on animal-centred design, as well as case studies and expert opinions from architects, animal behaviorists and animal welfare experts. The review will focus on identifying key elements of animal-centered design, such as lighting, ventilation and temperature control, as well as the appropriate use of materials and spatial configurations to create a comfortable and stimulating environment for animals.

The research will also examine the impact of animal-centred design on animal behaviour, health and welfare. By analyzing case studies and expert opinion, the research aims to understand how animal-centred design principles can improve animal welfare and contribute to positive behavioral outcomes such as reduced stress and increased engagement.

Overall, this research aims to contribute to the understanding of the principles of animal-centred design and their application to the creation of spaces that promote the welfare and well-being of animals. The results of this study will be valuable to architects, animal welfare experts, and other professionals involved in the design of animal spaces, as well as to people interested in promoting more compassionate and sustainable relationships between humans and animals. At the modern stage, the issue of improving housing and combining the so-called "two worlds" under one roof, an animal and a person who keeps an animal in his apartment, has become relevant. Let's consider various examples. How to properly renovate an apartment, choose appropriate materials, and place a play area, a representative area, and other important points.

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