: 67-76
senior lecturer, Department of architectural design, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Student, Department of architectural design, Lviv Polytechnic National University

In recent years, the number of residents of Ukraine choosing to travel by bicycle has been steadily growing, as has the number of activities held on bicycles, but a significant proportion of the population is still unsure of the possibility of safe bicycle use due to the lack of an appropriate bicycle network, safe conditions of movement and lack of parking in cities and the corresponding infrastructure. In this regard, there is a need to create an extensive bicycle infrastructure in the cities of Ukraine for safe urban mobility, reducing the number of motor vehicles and replacing them with bicycles. This will provide an opportunity to improve the ecology of cities and attract residents to an active and healthy lifestyle and include Ukraine in the global cycling community. Riding a bicycle helps to maintain good physical shape, prolongs life, promotes the production of the "hormone of happiness" and allows you to receive new emotions and an incredible charge of energy every day, gives the opportunity to freely move through city streets (which is especially relevant for residents of megacities). But this requires an appropriate infrastructure, which includes bike lanes, bike parking, bike services, relevant legislation and general municipal support. This study began before the full-scale invasion of Russia and analyzed the situation that developed in peacetime, as well as the development of cities in Ukraine designed for peacetime. The article analyzes the municipal policy of cities in which significant attention is paid to bicycle infrastructure, cycling and objects of this infrastructure are promoted. An attempt was made to formulate the factors that contribute to the emergence of bicycle networks in cities and the functional filling of the bicycle center as one of the important elements of these networks.

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