The war with Russia, which has been ongoing since 2014, has become an indicator of the lack of specialized mixed-used rehabilitation centers for military personnel. The issue of the formation of such institutions in Ukraine is particularly relevant. The article reviews scientific and theoretical research devoted to the development of rehabilitation of military personnel in Ukraine and abroad. The world experience of designing rehabilitation centers for military personnel- participants in hostilities was analyzed and the influencing factors on the formation of such facilities were outlined.
The specificity of the functional organization of the mixed-used rehabilitation center involves the implementation of justified actions to ensure the integrity of the object as a whole. Based on the analysis of the needs of servicemen, the goals of the project were formulated, as well as the set of necessary functional blocks, taking into account the peculiarities of the architectural and planning organization of the rehabilitation center. Such a feature, in turn, depends on the idea of a specialized rehabilitation center, namely the provision of complex rehabilitation in the space of one facility: medical, physical, psychological, social, and military-professional.
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