: 52-58
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The study of the work of the German-born sculptor Thomas Gutter, who worked in Galicia during the late Baroque period, is currently poorly studied, so it needs a thorough study. The article is devoted to the analysis of the work of the sculptor Thomas Gutter. It explores the life and creative path of the artist, the peculiarities of his style, and the use of materials in sculpture. Gutter's main works, their themes, and symbolism, in particular expressiveness in space, are considered. His works are distinguished by the expressiveness of the form, the drama of expression and the detailing of the plastic treatment of draperies. Thomas Hutter's style is characterized by a combination of South German traditions and Central European styles and shows an evolution from the late Baroque to greater geometrization.

With his sculptural works, Gutter not only enriched local art, but also made a significant contribution to the formation of the late Baroque style in the Western Ukrainian region. His work influenced the style of many subsequent generations of sculptors. The sculptural works of Thomas Hutter have a high artistic value and belong to the cultural heritage not only of Ukraine but also of Europe. The results of the study can be useful for art historians, sculptors, and researchers.

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