The end of the XX - begin of the XXI century saw qualitative changes in architecture and art that contributed to the intensification of both cultural and socio-political activity of diverse protagonists from different regions.
The article analyzes the main scientific goals of the Triennale 2022, which took place in Berlin. Modernism is a progressive cultural heritage, avant-garde architecture, art, urban and social development, which is extremely relevant for the future of Europe and the sustainability of values. The initiated European cooperation project aims to pave the way for a “European Triennial of Modernism” (ETOM) involving about 40 partners from about 15 countries, focusing on Central Europe. Their shared history of modernism is based on a variety of examples, sources, protagonists and - today even more so on a variety of actors committed to valuing diversity and a sustainable perspective of modernism. The participants discuss identical problems of building cultural and societal development in their countries and, using trans-European cooperation, compare and combine similar problems in Europe, addressing a common public. This format of lively exchange of information is especially relevant today, in the face of war and attempts to divide Europeans. This type of trans-European cooperation in the field of building culture is exemplary for the further development of cultural cooperation and unity, especially in Central Europe.
The objectives of the study are to analyze the multiple perspectives and problematic issues of heterogeneous views in order to understand modernism as a transnational phenomenon and to further research and communicate it in this sense.
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