The article considers the preconditions for the creation of a range of specialized housing for migrants. Architectural and planning decisions are shown as a method of solving the global challenges of the twenty-first century. Pedagogy (namely, pedagogical technology), in conjunction with the means of architecture, can stimulate migrants to integrate into a new society. The problems of quality integration of migrants into a new society are being paid little attention. The potential of integration of migrants through housing is not disclosed. The topic of localization of housing for migrants in the structure of the city, has been little research. And the relationship of housing localization level of integration of migrants into the society and culture of the host society. Without attention to many scientificresearch is the possibility of using apartments of small areas, mini apartments, apartments in a residential room, capsule dwelling.
In modern conditions, it is difficult to solve specific social problems within only one scientific discipline. There is a problem of finding concrete means that may be needed in solving phenomena of interdisciplinary nature. One such phenomenon is global migration, which creates a number of negative trends. An example of this is the problems of migrants and their integration into the EU [1].
The article analyzes the many interdisciplinary research, such as «Game Theory» T. Turocy, and B. von Stengel; historical excursion Gorlov V. "The emergence of communal apartments in the early years of Soviet power,"; Beatrice Kolomna its review of urban planning school of the first half of the twentieth century and its pedagogy "radical pedagogy"; materials by Kseniya Malik and Fiederer L. on the study of modernism, as well as scientific works in the direction of pedagogical technologies, in particular the work of Kojaspirov, Kuzminsky.
The interconnection of architecture and pedagogical technology becomes inevitable in the light of the rise of global challenges. One of these challenges is unregulated migration. Adapting migrants to the new environment is possible through effective integration. It should be implemented in accordance with the developed integral strategy of re-education of the migrant. The architecture has a number of tools, which are able to contribute to this process. Architects are faced with the need to create functional models. Models that meet the set tasks. Architectural models should fit both the scale of a residential unit of a particular building and the scale of the city and its infrastructure. Currently, there is an urgent need for interdisciplinary study of the phenomenon of irregular migration. The architectural aspect is one of the few lit and there is a need in their future scientific developments on the subject
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