The article investigates the characteristics of the formal expression of the material structure of the city through the lens of its morphological content, which is based on the fundamental principles of morphology as a scientific doctrine.
The problem lies in defining the essential characteristics of the objects studied in the morphology of the city, which require clarification in the context of new theoretical approaches and empirical data.
An analysis of recent research has shown that the morphology of the city has become one of the key disciplines in city planning; however, its object and subject remain the topic of active scientific discussions. Publications indicate the necessity for further clarification of the patterns of interaction among morphologically significant elements of the city.
The aim of the article is to define the essential characteristics of the substantial level of the city, capable of reproducing its formal features and serving as carriers of morphological content.
The main part of the article focuses on revealing the formal features of the substantial level of the city, represented by a set of interconnected components. This set defines the architectonics of the urban environment and contrasts with the planning framework, generalizing elements of natural and artificial origin. The key essential features include the physical form of the city and its morphological structure. The former is proposed to be considered as an objective characteristic of the external expression of the connected part of the city's territory, bounded by a closed conditional line, while the latter is viewed as a characteristic of the city's structure, consisting of certain arranged and organized structural elements.
The conclusions emphasize the importance of further research for a more precise delineation of the boundaries of applying the morphological approach in urban planning and the necessity of revising certain theoretical positions in light of new data.
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