: 82-88
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article discusses the results of the research on the topic of Christian education development in Ukraine in XI–XXI centuries and mentions the architectural and typological array of buildings and complexes that were used to conduct the educational process, including theological school of pre-Christian times, monastic school, theological school for the upper class, parochial school, large theological school, episcopal school, cathedral school, brotherhood school, theological seminary, theological academy, and theological university. 

In Ukraine, the most frequently designed, constructed and equipped educational institutions belonged to the following Christian denominations: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Church and a few Protestant churches. Each religious denomination has numerous institutions of theological education, which are identified by their peculiar architecture. The article outlines the main features and differences in the development of architecture in Orthodox, Catholic, Greek-Catholic and Protestant educational institutions. The research asserts that the architecture of theological educational institutions belonging to different religious denominations is wellshaped and continues its active evolution together with the development of theological education.

The article emphasizes that the process of mass construction (restoration, reconstruction, repurposing) of theological educational institutions, which was deprived of the systematic approach to building design, resulted in a chaos of architectural and space-planning decisions. The clear-cut classification of existing theological and theological-humanitarian educational institutions will enable the possibility of developing the projects that would correspond to the up-to-date requirements of the educational process and the spiritual life in similar educational institutions. The criteria for classification include affiliation to a certain religious denomination, educational accreditation level, attendant capacity, city-planning organization, general project composition, architectural and functional organization of the educational
process, sacralization level, architectural and space-planning decisions.

The article describes the influence of the main factors on the development of architecture of the theological-humanitarian educational institutions of the new type. The list of factors includes religious and ideological factor, social and demographic factor, functional factor, natural and climatic factor, economic and technological factor. Attention to the mentioned factors will allow designers to develop an educational object that would perfectly satisfy the functional and aesthetic demands of the contemporary world. The article states that design of the educational institution of the new type, i.e. theologicalhumanitarian multi-educational center, is based on the principles of affiliation to a certain religious denomination, ecumenism, multi-educational purpose, sacredness, secularism, humanism, capacity for transformation and mobility, conventionalism and modernism. The design development of the educational institution of the new type is conducted in accordance with the following concept: campus of the educational institution of the new type is a theological and humanitarian educational environment, centered around the ideological and functional core, which is a temple. Educational buildings are constructed around the temple. They include catechetical school, theological school, theological seminary, pastoral missionary center, monastic educational buildings of different orders, and theological university.

The author of the article declares that adherence to the indicated principles and concepts, as well as consideration of specific recommendations for the design will facilitate the development of modern and qualitative architecture of the theological-humanitarian multi-educational centers, which will potentially increase the level of theological and humanitarian education and enhance the interfaith dialogue in Ukraine. Consequently, this may result in the rise of a single Ukrainian Church and unify the Ukrainian state in general.

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