Beginning in 2011, in the field of educational-research design between the Department of Design of Architectural Environment of Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, they will use all the acquired knowledge in the field of architecture during their studies. Polytechnics of Sventechshia developed a variety of forms of creative cooperation. A few years later, students from Lviv and Kielce started designing on joint sites, the peculiarities of which they had previously studied together during visits to these cities. Thus, projects on common themes – “Project of the University Cultural Center” and “Project of campus development” of the Polytechnic of Sventechshia, projects of “Ukrainian-Polish” and “Polish-Ukrainian” culture house, projects of museums, clubs, libraries,
dwelling houses, etc. – have arisen. Another area of educational design was the construction of buildings in other cities of Ukraine and Poland
1. Proskuryakov Viktor. The educational expoloring, educational contest, contesting progecting experience of Lviv architectural school in 2013 / V. I. Proskuryakov, B. V. Goy // Srodowisko Mieszkaniowe: dom i osiedle jutra, czesc II. – № 12/2013. – P. 92–98. – PL ISSN 1731–2442.
2. Proskuryakov V. I. Educational-research designing as a method of typology development of library buildings by architectural schools of Lviv and Kielce polytechnics / V. I. Proskuryakov, I. S. Voronkova // Structure and environment: architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering and energy. – № 1/ 2013. – Vol. 5. – P. 5–10. – PL ISSN 2081–1500.
3. Proskuryakov Viktor. Wyniki dydaktycno-naukowego projectowania budynkow uzytecznosci publicznej we Lwowie i w Kielcach Przez szkoly architetektoniczne Politechniki Lwowskej i Politechniki Switokrzyskiej / V. I. Proskuryakov // Zabudowa na obszarach zurbanizowanych, zagrozonych oraz trudnych: monografia pod redakcija Z. Gil – Mastalerczyk – architural / 2017. – S. 11–19. – ISBN 978-83-65719-23-2.