: 54-59
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of architectural environment design

The article highlights the results of educational and search designing of the architecture of the Ukrainian national theatrical pavilions for the world exhibition of the Prague Quadrivenent in 2019 and subsequent years.
The need to specifically highlight the idea of creating the architecture of Ukrainian national theatrical pavilions at world exhibitions is due to the fact that since 1991, the time of Ukraine'sindependence, the achievements of architecture and scenography of the national Ukrainian theater were once presented at the theatrical exhibition forum of the World, although the main one – the Prague Quadrenal 2015 There are many such theater forums, for example in Avignon – France, Edinburgh – Scotland, Taipei – Taiwan. Presenting at the Prague Quadrinal of 2015, a joint exhibition of creative works by world-renowned stage designer E. Lisik, and projects and realization of theatrical-spectacular spaces, premises, buildings, and others. designed by students, doctoral students, faculty members of the Department of Design of Architectural Environment of Lviv Polytechnic National University under the direction of Professor V. Proskuryakov, the exhibition received from the organizers the status of a national in the section “Education”. The decision was also influenced by the synthetic exposition created by the students and faculty of the department, which at the same time was an exposition space with various functions and a “live theater”. The exposition, which was very popular among visitors to the quadrinal, and the theater figures. This was also facilitated by the fact that the DAS chair, as a representative of Ukraine, was also invited to follow the Prague Quadrennial, and in particular in 2019. And this requires that for such measures the architecture of the Ukrainian national exhibition pavilions intended for the presentation of theatrical technique, technology, scenography and architecture, artistic and aesthetic and spatially-effective solution of which could at the same time be shared with the World and exclusive national traits.On the issue of creating the architecture of Ukrainian national theatrical pavilions at world exhibitions.

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