Silicium organic coatings for thermal and fire-protection of reinforced concrete

Gyvlyud М. M. Silicium organic coatings for thermal and fire-protection of reinforced concrete / М. M. Gyvlyud, L. B. Demidchuk, D. V. Smolyak // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". - 2014. - № 781. - С. 46-49.


Gyvlyud М.M., Demidchuk L.B., Smolyak D.V.

Research conducted in the article investigates phase and structural modifications in the process of protective coating forming while heating. There are examined patterns of processes of interaction between silicium organic compounds based on the rich polymethylphenylsiloxane with oxide excipients as well as opportunities of their utilization for high-temperature and fire-protection of constructions made of reinforced concrete.

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