Using of zeolite tuffs as enterosorbents in cows nourishment

Butsjak A.A. Using of zeolite tuffs as enterosorbents in cows nourishment / A.A. Butsjak, V.I. Butsjak // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". - 2014. - № 781. - С. 27-31.


Butsjak A.A., Butsjak V.I.

The article deals with the experimental information due to the regularity of hard metals migration with trophic chain and loading of movable form of Cadmium, Plumbum, Mercury and Zinc by Dairy cows organisms. It was set up, that the toxical elements with different intensity migrate into organs and cows tissues. Using of zeolite meal of small grinding of Sokyrnytske field as fodder addition in dose of 0,5 gr per 1 kg of the living mass, the coefficient of bioaccumulation of Plumbum, Cadmium and Marcury movable forms is reduced accordingly to 40,9 and 44,5 % to control but accumulation coefficient of Zinc ions, on the contrary, was rised to 5,7%. Zeolite tuffs the adsorption of exo- and endotoxines, connect the toxical elements, especially hard metals, in gastro-intestinal tract and take their out of organism, that favour the increase of cows productivity and get ecologically pure milk due to the content of hard metals in the local zone of technogenic loading.

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