Моделювання потоку повітря у виробничому приміщенні


Возняк О. Т., Миронюк Х. В., Сухолова І. Є., Довбуш О. М. / Vozniak O. T., Myroniuk H. V., Sukholova I. Ye., Dovbush O. M.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

Air distribution in a room by swirl and spread air jets has been regarded. Dynamic parameters of air flow that is created due to swirl and spread air jets at their leakage in a room has been determined. Jet spun at an angle of inclination jet twisting plates 90˚ similar in its characteristics to upstream. Grazing jet develops independently of swirling, ie no jets interaction. At an angle of 60˚ tilt plate twisting jet flooring jet also develops independently of swirling, ie no jets interaction. At an angle of inclination of the plate twisting 30˚ the interaction swirling and grazing jets.
Simulation of airflow was performed using solver CFD FLUENT (Ansys FLUENT). In the simulation of the program was taken following simplifications and assumptions: internal air is incompressible, and the flow of air – established, heat from internal surfaces are not taken into account, heating the air in the room during the cold period of the year provided radiators, air supply air was applied to form the swirling and grazing jets, extract from the working area was carried out exhaust umbrellas, and from the upper zone of the room – was out of range of tidal jets, tidal Air is set at a height of 3m.

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