Вимірювання швидкозмінних швидкостей в трубопроводах електромагнітними витратомірами


Гнатів Р. М., Босак М. П. / Gnativ R. M., Bosak M. P.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра гідравліки та сантехніки

This paper describes the design and principles of operation of electromagnetic flow meter designed to measure rapidly varying velocity of unsteady fluid flow. The selection of a homogeneous magnetic field and point electrodes in the flow sensors ensured the independence of the testimony from the plot of velocity.Applies a comprehensive approach to the measurement of non-stationary medium speed with an electromagnetic method. The full description of the electromagnetic flowmeter with an increased frequency of the power converter. This paper describes the flow “Moment 3” to measure the transient average velocity in the pipe section. Flow has a small inertia and high dynamic accuracy. Experimental data have shown that the error of dynamic calibration of electromagnetic flow does not exceed 1 %. To check the dynamic error of flow meters used dermatalogy method, according to which the instantaneous flow rate is determined by integration of the instantaneous plots of velocities.Processing signals obtained from the high-speed flow meters, despite a large amount of information was carried out using the software. With this purpose in described flowmeter was connected to a developed system that can operate at a speed of 1000 measurements per second over a channel (up to six).

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