The results of numerous researches the patterns of distribution of local stresses in the nodes supporting the guide pulleys. Research was carried out considering dynamic nature of the load. Mathematical modeling was carried in four stages, which revealed the influence of the degree of idealization and design scheme and set the boundary conditions of interaction nodes supporting the guide pulleys to the rest of the building. In the last step of numerical simulation in Ansys Workbrench 14.0 obtained calculation models in the form of interface design (sub-pulley structures) and the mechanism (the guide pulley, the hoisting rope and the vessel). As a result of field experiments it was set adequacy calculation models and dynamic stresses in sub-pulley structures designs. On the basis of the established laws designed engineering method for calculating the strength of sub-pulley structures designs on criteria the actions of local stresses. This engineering method allows to take into account the effect of stress concentration in the nodes supporting the guide pulleys, which ensures reliability and design.
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