Аналіз систем утеплення будівель з врахуванням життєвого циклу теплової ізоляції


Маліновський А. А., Олійник М. Й., Музичак А. З. / Malinowski A. A., Oliinyk M. I., Muzychak A. Z

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра електропостачання промислових підприємств, міст і сільського господарства, Україна

Each increase of energy tariffs actualizes the problem of insulation of buildings in order to reduce heating costs. This raises the question of choice of insulating material. In the article is considered the actual question comparing the most common types of thermal insulation - polystyrene (foam) and mineral wool. As a general criterion of comparison proposed life cycle assessment which is formed of four stages assessments existence of material: manufacture, installation, use (operation) and return back to the environment. The financial evaluation of life-cycle assessment suggested to determine according to the Tax Code of Ukraine. In the article are considered the stages of production insulating material and returning them to the environment as the heaviest in terms of environmental impact. The processes of manufacturing mineral wool and polystyrene are fundamentally different. Production of polystyrene is based on using of oil, production of mineral wool is based on using of natural material dolomite. However, in both cases, the environmental impact can be assessed on six key indicators. According to an analysis at the present stage of manufacture polystyrene and mineral wool materials are equal. Their production is not contrary to the strategy of sustainable development, and therefore they continue to be widely used. The results can be complementary as other techniques of life cycle assessment which in particular take into account the impact of materials on humans.

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