Ефективність впливу захисного покриття на експлуатаційні властивості бетону


Гивлюд М. М., Новицький Ю. Л., Дума В. О., Сидор Н. І. / Gyvlyud M. M., Novitskyyi Yu. L., Duma V. O., Sydor N. I.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
кафедра будівельного виробництва,
кафедра автомобільних шляхів та мостів

The article is devoted to development of theoretical foundations of improving corrosion resistance of concrete protective coatings based on filled with aluminum and zinc oxides polimetylfenilseloksanu. Methods of mathematical experiment planning with regard to water absorption depending on the concrete and coating adhesion strength optimum component of the original compositions for protective coatings, determined their technological and physical and mechanical properties, the thickness of the coating, application methods and the surface of the concrete conditions of the studied. Conducted optimization of protective coatings and the influence of additives and kaolin fiber water absorption performance adhesive strength and corrosion resistance of the treated concrete. Provided improve the sustainability of building designs products and materials prolong their service life durability and wear resistance by coating the surface of protective coating for increased resistance to external surfaces from aggressive factors by modifying their protective coverings. Methods of physical and chemical analysis the impact of individual components coating on corrosion resistance of concrete. Confirmed high hydrophobicity of the surface of the protective concrete and insulating ability of the coating. Experimental confirmed fact increase the corrosion resistance of the treated concrete steps to ions Mg2+ and
SO4 2- respectively 23–38 %, which confirms the possibility of their use for improving the durability of concrete, which is operated in harsh outdoor environments.

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