Моделювання термічного опору трав`яного шару зеленої покрівлі


Плоский В. О., Ткаченко Т. М., Мілейковський В. О., Дзюбенко В. Г / Ploskyi V., Tkachenko T., Mileykovskyi V., Dziubenko V.

Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури,
кафедра архітектурних конструкцій,
кафедра охорони праці і навколишнього середовища,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

Today the energy efficiency of roofs is achieved not only by the use of building materials, but also by planting. The main problems of modern urbocenoses is the lack of green areas and the inability to create them because of consolidation of area; strong decrease of biodiversity until the complete loss of certain plants and animal species, leading to ecological imbalances. The solution of this problem is to use alternative forms of landscaping that do not require large amounts of space, but at the same time fulfill the necessary sanitary and ecological and biological functions. One of the methods is the roof planting. Most of the researches of green roofs energy efficiency consider only their building components. However, if the leading manufacturers of green roofs (eg, ZinCo) conducting research insulating properties of green roofs protective structures, they usually are commercial in nature, focused on advertising and increasing demand for services and materials of specific company and producer. The aim is to study heat properties of green roof excluding evaporation. Found that when the distance between the blades 3 mm the heat transfer coefficient is 0.53 - 0.54 W/(m2•K), at a distance of
6 mm – 0.4 W/(m2•K) is 0.26 W/(m2•K). It can be found theoretically, considering only the thermal conductivity of grass and neglect heat transfer through the air among the grass-blades. This indicates that there is immaterial impact of convection among the grass-blades.

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