Оцінка енергетичного потенціалу сезонного теплового акумулятора для пасивних будинків


Горбаченко Л., Желих В. М., Савченко О. О. / Horbachenko L., Zhelykh V., Savchenko О.

Львівський техніко-економічний коледж,
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання та вентиляції

Every year in Ukraine the demand for passive houses is increased. The passive houses are characterized by specific consumption of thermal energy for heating system up to
15 kWh/(m²*year). The solar power is the most promising alternative energy source to meet the needs of heating systems of passive houses. The schedule needs thermal energy for heating system does not match the schedule of receipt solar radiation. This is why to ensure the stability and continuity of operation of heating systems in passive houses we should use seasonal thermal accumulators. The liquid and solid substances are using in seasonal thermal accumulators.
The article examines the possibility of using seasonal heat accumulator with solid filler in heating system passive cottage in the cold season. As cottage heating system was accepted compatible heating supply system with thermosyphon solar collector and seasonal heat accumulator with a solid filler. Found that thermal receipt from thermosiphon solar collectors which are on the south oriented roof, is not enough to ensure the needs thermal energy of cottage. The sizes of the seasonal heat accumulator for heating system of passive cottage were determined.

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