The article analyzes the problem of carbon dioxide emissions in the construction industry and calculates the energy efficiency of an multicomfort house. The potential for energy savings and CO2 emission reductions remains largely untapped due to the removal of technologies from new construction, the lack of effective environmental policies and insignificant investments in energy efficient buildings. According to the 20–20–20 strategy, by 2020, the EU aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 %, increase the share of renewable energy sources to at least 20 % of consumption, and achieve energy savings of
20 % or more. According to data from the International Energy Agency, carbon dioxide emissions are increasing annually, which necessitates the development of new types of buildings – multicomfort houses. The concept of Multicomfort House is a building with a positive energy balance that independently produces energy for its own needs in more than sufficient quantities. It combines the features of a passive house that does not need to be heated or needs little energy, as well as a “smart home” equipped with high-tech devices that has a minimal impact on the environment. Multicomfort house – the next step in the development of
a passive house. This house can produce all the necessary electricity and provide hot water. This concept is based on three basic principles: comfort, energy and care of the environment. In the process of construction and decoration of multi-comfort houses, high-tech building materials that improve comfort and durability are used. As a research object, a two-storey residential building with a mansard floor and a heating area of 141.2 m2 has been selected. This type of building reduces heating costs, reduces the need for primary energy and reduces carbon dioxide emissions. The calculation of the environmental efficiency of an multicomfort building has been carried out. As an environmental indicator, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the combustion of natural gas is selected. Reducing the need for heating in the
implementation of a comprehensive thermo-modernization of the house with a mechanical ventilation system provides a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere in the 1.13–2.84 times compared to the base version and is 2.8–3.0 kg CO2/(m2·year), which meets the ecological requirements of a multi-comfort home.
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