Nowadays design of timber buildings and constructions growth up. It is connected with the dissemination of eco-technologies, efficient energy-saving buildings, rapid constructing, inexpensive solutions and addicting to smart utilization after the expiration of exploitation period. Timber connections are the very important factor, that influence on technological aspects while construction. Just simplicity and reliability of timber joints makes this choice reasonable and justified. One of the most shared timber joints is “steel-to-timber” connections using metal dowel fasteners (e.g nails). As a rule, manufacturers of steel plates indicate design and characteristic loads in their product catalog, but the lateral stiffness of these connections at serviceability and ultimate limit states needs to be discussed. The article describes research of slip in “steel-to-timber” connection and gives comparative analysis due to domestic and European standards. The “load-slip” dependences with satisfied correlation for investigated connections were obtained. It is shown that experimental instantaneous slip in our case is lower than theoretical values and has sufficient reserve comparing with theoretical data. Additional investigations are going to be provided to develop this research.
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