Disperse reinforcing fibers of different materials and different lengths can significantly effect the basic characteristics of concrete, including increasing compressive strength and tensile, impact strength, wear resistance. But if the use of concrete, steel fiber reinforced was studied enough, other types of concrete reinforcement fiber, particularly glass, was not investigated enough. The same applies to special fiberglass reinforcement concretes, where is sulfur is astringent, that is sulfur concrete. The disadvantages of sulfur concrete are increased brittleness, low impact strength and crack resistance. Putting glass fiber in a concrete increases its toughness fracture, reduces the speed propagation of cracks increases endurance of sulfur concrete. The article presents the results of experimental studies of endurance sulfur concrete under multiple repeated loads. It is shown that disperse sulfur concrete reinforcing by glass fiber increases the viscosity destruction and endurance factor of concrete. The use of sulfur modifiers such is dicyclopentadiene improves the basic characteristics of sulfur glass fiber concrete, particularly endurance at multiple repeated loads.
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