Results of the experimental investigation of water inflow into a pressure pipe-collector (PC) depending on the value of the inflow angle b of the input jets are presented. The inner diameter of the experimental PC was of D=20.18 mm, and that of the output nozzles was of d=6.01 mm. The total length of the PC was 2494 mm, and its perforated part was of l = 1800 mm. The distances between the nozzles were equal to 180 mm. The water head H outside the PC was varied from 300 to 1600 mm. PCs with the inflow angles of jets of: 0o ; 45o ; 90o ; 135 o ; 180 o have been investigated. A PC in which ß ¹const has been also tested: in its initial segment, the nozzles were installed at the angle of ß = 0 o , and in the middle and terminal segments at the angle of ß = 180 o . The greatest non-uniformity of inflow into the PC, was obtained at ß = const =135o , and the least one for a PC with ß¹ const . It has been detected that by means of selection of different values of inflow angle b of input jets along PC the non-uniformity of water inflow into PC can be adjusted.
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