In order to ensure long-term durability and increase the bearing capacity of clay soils, it is recommended to strengthen them with binder materials. For this purpose, lime and cement are used as binder materials. In order to ensure the reliability of the base, it is recomend to compact the soil to the maximum value of the soil skeleton density at humidity, which corresponds to the maximum number of bound water. The main indicators of good soil compaction (maximum soil particle density, which corresponds to the optimal soil moisture content) were determined by laboratory tests on Proctor’s test (ASTM D698-91). For further study of the influence of binder materials on the physical and mechanical parameters of the soil, the tests for the determination of strength on the compression of soil samples at the age of 14 and 28 days were carried out. It is proved that such material has a higher strength and can withstand 14 cycles of freezing and thawing without destroying the structure and some preservation of the strength, due to the creation of high-alumina environment in which the strong water-resistant minerals are synthesized. On the basis of these data, the optimal
composition of soil cement was selected.
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